Starting the journey



I’ve been fortunate to be able to work in a wide variety of roles, disciplines, organizations and locations.  These include coding customs and border control systems for the Australian Government as a public servant, consulting and selling computing systems, managing large teams of technical professionals, product marketing, corporate marketing, business unit management, company officer and senior executive in multiple industry-leading companies, CEO and board director of a public company and senior executive of multiple startup companies.  During this time, I lived and worked in ten different cities in seven states on two continents.

Through the book and this blog I will share some of the lessons, learnings and experiences I’ve had and hope that these either resonate with you or in some way, help you in the various aspects of your own career.  

Please contribute to the conversation by leaving a comment or by engaging on Twitter at @FairDinkumBiz or by sending me an email with your thoughts.

Thank you