In the book, Fair Dinkum Business, the learnings are encapsulated using traditional Aussie sayings or slang. I’ve really only scratched the surface when it comes to some classic sayings that I heard growing up and that you might hear as well if you visit Australia.
Some of my other favorites, that I didn’t use in the book are:
- A stubbie short of a six pack
- Bob’s your uncle
- Shoot through like a Bondi Tram
- Carrying on like a pork chop
- Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill
- Hold ya horses
- Keep on talking even if you’ve gotta make it up
- Never let the truth get in the way of a good story (similar to the one above)
- Lower than a snake’s belly
- Mad as a cut snake
- Right as rain
- Stick that in your pipe and smoke it
- You wouldn’t be dead for quids
If you’d like to find out the meaning of any of the above, or learn many more sayings, check out this online.
If you have other favorite sayings, post a comment.